Cmd Line For Mac Os X

There are a few ways to determine what version of OSX you are on.

In the GUI, you can easily click the Apple menu () at the top left of your screen, and choose About This Mac. The version of OS X will be printed underneath the large bold Mac OS X title. Clicking on the Version XYZ text will reveal the Build number.

  • Mar 09, 2011 Many users are aware of some boot commands for Mac OS X that provide different functionality for your system. The following is a more comprehensive list of the keyboard commands you know and many.
  • Dec 08, 2015  On Apple Mac OS X you need to use the following command to find out operating system version: ADVERTISEMENTS. Systemprofiler command – Show Apple hardware and software configuration. Swvers command – Show Mac OS X operating system version. Uname command – Show operating system name and more.

Jul 12, 2016  I ‘m a Mac OS X user. How do I find out my Ethernet Link Speed in terminal using bash shell prompt? How do I see my current Ethernet connection Speed in Mac OS X? To check the status or the speed of your Ethernet network connection open the Terminal application. Type the following command for selected a network interface to see your current.

If you're writing a script though, you may wish to access this programmatically. There are several ways:

System Profiler sw_vers

Mac OS X user defaults system

Mac os command prompt

There are further options but they are not as optimized and simple to use. These should be sufficient!

How do I create or write to images to disk on Apple Mac OS X (macOS) Unix operating system with dd command?
You can use dd command to:


  1. Create new disk images from USB or SD card
  2. Write images to disk or USB or SD card


You also need to use diskutil command manipulates the structure of local disks including listing and unmouting disks before you create or write images to disk.

Please be careful when running the following commands, as you might destroy important data or disk.

How To Create Disk Image on Mac OS X With dd Command

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Open the Terminal app
  2. Get disk list with the diskutil list
  3. To create the disk image: dd if=/dev/DISK of=image.dd bs=512
  4. To write the disk image: dd if=image.dd of=/dev/DISK

Let us see all commands in details.

1. Create disk image with dd command

Open the Terminal application and type the following command to list disks:
$ diskutil list
Sample outputs:
In this example my SD card size is 4GB and located at /dev/disk2.

2. Unmount the disk

Unmount the disk called /dev/disk2:
$ diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2
Sample outputs:

3. Create the disk image with dd

Finally create the disk image of the entire disk /dev/disk2:
$ sudo dd if=/dev/disk2 bs=512
$ sudo dd if=/dev/disk2 bs=1m
$ sudo dd if=/dev/disk2 bs=64k
Sample outputs:

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You can create compressed disk image as follows:
$ sudo dd if=/dev/disk2 bs=64K | gzip -c > backup.disk.img.dd.gz

Mac Os Cmd

  • dd : Command name
  • if=/dev/disk2 : Input disk name
  • : Output image name
  • bs=64k or bs=1m or bs=512 : Set both input and output block size to n bytes.
  • gzip -c > backup.disk.img.dd.gz : Create compressed disk image using gzip

You can verify your disk with file command:
$ file disk-name-here.img.dd

How do I write dd images to disk again?

The syntax is as follows:
$ diskutil list
$ diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2
$ sudo dd of=/dev/disk2
### Restores compressed image and write /dev/disk2 ###
$ sudo sh -c 'gunzip -c backup.disk.img.dd.gz | dd of=/dev/disk2'

See dd command man page for more info.

Apr 14, 2014  The Flash Player CRASHES ALWAYS (Firefox 28 & Safari, OS X 10.6.8) NO offered solution worked, Promised: I tried out everything I found about this issue in the forums or web, nothing worked. This is the first time that after an upadate flash does not work anymore, what a shame. Watching youtube is. Flash solution for os x 13.

Not a fan of command line?

You can use ‘Disk Utility’ GUI tool to create and restore images. First ‘Open Disk Utility’ by visiting the Applications >Utilities folder:

Choose File > New > Image from “Untitled”. Next, enter a name for the disk image, then choose where to save it:

Line For Mac 10.6.8

Etcher app

Line For Mac Download

Etcher is an SD card flasher app that is simple for end users, extensible for developers, and works on any platform including macOS. However, it is written in JS, HTML, node.js and Electron. So if you want to download external and fat app go here. Personally, I recommend and use the CLI or inbuilt apps.